(translated at no charge by Jens-U.H. Schweitzer)
Helping Hands World e.V. (HHW) has been initiated and founded in 2013 by the chartered architect Renata Lipok.
Renata Lipok and Heinrich Donner have been organising several small aid projects at home and abroad, already before the foundation of the association Helping Hands World. Renata Lipok realised contacts abroad, knowing people and learning how to help. The foundation of the association was the best way to put this initiative on a legal and well organized base.
We assist projects abroad, to aid people to assure their education and to help them earning their livelihood. Our aid projects are directed to special institutions as well as to projects of cultural promotion and international understanding.
We are in constant dialogue with local institutions and their representatives.
Thus we get constant information what is needed most urgently and how our resources are used.
The most important guideline for our assistance is to offer an aid which helps the people to reach long-lasting happiness and welfare.
Enhancing the conditions for better education and the development of a free exchange of ideas we focus on a better way of international understanding, a better society and living in peace and freedom.
We feel happy with every small aid which enhances the welfare of people in need.
Renata Lipok says: “Because of the voluntary engagement, the association enables us to provide a hundred percent forwarding of your donation to the people in need.”