(translated at no charge by Jens-U.H. Schweitzer)
When I visited Lama Chonet, the director of the Principal Ringjung School in Lehh – Ladakh in 2011 in his school, he told me that he wanted to install another school at Himachal Pradesh – needed urgently for those kids of the region.
During my visit in january 2015 i was informed that an elderly couple living close to Rampur had made the first step and generously donated a site for constructing the school in the village Beri close to Himachal Pradesh.
At this site a new school may be installed – together with a hostel and adjacent buildings. The kids of the sorroundings will receive education and preparation for their further life – independently of their social affiliation, family background or faith.
The kids will will be teached different items, e.g.: in mathematics, english, hindi, tibetian and philosophy, – but also in arts and sports. It is aimed that the education courses connect the traditions with the modern style of learning.
We have inspected the future construction site and realised some ideas as to the necessary buildings. We plan:
- Several classrooms,
- A multipurpose hall for sports and reunions,
- A hostel for the kids coming from the surrounding places,
- A library,
- A building with kitchen facilities and a lunch room,
- Rooms for the teachers and other employees,
- and there will be a room for meditation (with a Buddha-statue).
After long discussion we established a “road-map” to follow. Lama Chony immediately started with the first buildings.
When I visited the site again in April 2015, the excavation for the foundation were realised. The irons for the armouring and the coarse gravel are on site.
In july 2015, two rooms adjacent to the existing buildings are erected.
The generous donator – meanwhile 104 years old – is delighted seeing the school to be growing and that there will be also a Buddha-statue Amithawa
The project will be a great enrichement for the region. The kids come together a get a good preparation for their future life.